A microchip can SAVE the life of your pet. It is your pet's phone call home. The majority of animal shelters, humane societies and veterinarians scan every lost animal that comes to their facility. At CAP, every lost animal who comes to our shelter is scanned, and, if a microchip is found, the owner is contacted immediately.
Microchipping is quick and relatively painless. The microchip is approximately the size of a grain of rice. It is inserted under the skin, much like a vaccine, at the base of the neck and between the shoulder blades. It is made out of an inert ingredient so it should not affect the animal (talk to your veterinarian about any concerns you may have.) The tissue should begin growing around the chip within 24 hours. Once inserted, a scanner will identify a unique id number which is linked to information about the pet's owner. It may take several days to register the microchip and your information with the program, but after that there is nothing else to be done except informing the microchip provider of your new address if you should move. Your pet is identified for the rest of his or her life.
At Citizens for Animal Protection, every adopted cat, dog & rabbit is microchipped and registered through 24PetWatch, a national pet recovery program. This microchip can be scanned at any veterinary clinic or animal shelter that has a scanner. If your animal has gotten lost, please contact both CAP and 24Petwatch to update your contact information and to put out a lost animal alert.
If you are unsure if your own animal was microchipped, have him/her scanned at CAP or any Vet clinic. They will be able to tell you the chip number and the registry company. Some chips can be registered under multiple companies and each one would need to be updated.
CAP provides microchip services daily to the public for the low cost of $30.00 from 10AM-5PM daily.
Whether you have your pet microchipped at CAP or at your veterinary clinic, please have it done......
A microchip is your pet's phone call home!!!!