The below plants are in some degree poisonous or hazardous to cats - please keep in mind that this is not a complete list. Many are also poisonous to dogs and other animals. For more information on poisonous substances in the home, see the Animal Poison Control Center from the ASPCA:
- Anemone
- black cherry
- bloodroot
- buttercup
- caladium
- caster bean
- clematis
- crocus
- cycads
- daphne (splurge laurel)
- delphinium, dicentra (bleeding heart)
- dieffenbachia
- elephant's ear
- english ivy
- foxglove
- four o'clock
- hellebore
- hemlock
- holly
- hyacinth
- hydrangea
- indian splurge tree
- jack-in-the-pulpit
- jerusalem cherry
- jimson weed
- lantana (red sage)
- larkspur
- lily-of-the-valley
- mistletoe
- morning glory
- mountain laurel
- oleander
- philodendron
- poinsettia
- poinciana (bird of paradise)
- poison ivy
- poison oak
- pokeweed
- rhododendron
- solandra (trumpet flower)
- star of bethlehem (snowdrop)
- sweet pea
- thornapple
- wisteria
- yew